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Navigating the Flow Zone for COOs and Second-in-Commands.

The “Flow Zone” refers to a psychological state where a person is fully immersed and focused on an activity – there's a sense of energized focus, complete involvement and enjoyment. It is often described as being “in the zone”.

In this episode, we take a deep dive on one of the flow characteristics Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi identified: the balance of skill level and challenge level. Flow greatly effects how a Second-In-Command functions in their role – we cover techniques to find and stay in flow as a leader.

You'll hear all about:

  • 00:29: Defining the flow zone and its relevance to COOs and leaders, emphasizing the importance of finding individualized approaches. 
  • 01:04: The eight characteristics of flow as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
  • 02:02: The balance of skill level and challenge level, and how they affect flow.
  • 04:20: A conversation to have with your founder to find more challenge in your role.
  • 05:11: The non-linear path executives will experience in and out of flow.
  • 05:42: Techniques to avoid distractions pulling you out of flow.

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