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Navigating Burnout: Strategies for COOs and Second-in-Commands.

In this insightful episode, we delve into the critical topic of avoiding burnout in the demanding role of a Second-In-Command.

As COOs, our responsibilities often overwhelm us, leading to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Host Megan Long shares her personal experiences with burnout and highlights the importance of prioritizing self-care.

We explore the seven types of rest essential for maintaining our well-being and effectiveness in our roles.

You'll hear all about:

  • 01:16 – Megan's personal encounters with physical and mental burnout though her career, and its impact.

  • 01:39 – Dispelling misconceptions about what “boundaries” mean and emphasizing self-care.

  • 02:20 – An overview of the Seven Types of Rest

  • 02:49 – Physical Rest: Beyond sleep, vital for preventing health issues.

  • 03:41 – Mental Rest: Strategies for preserving mental resources.

  • 04:13 – Emotional Rest: Validating emotions and fostering support systems.

  • 04:58 – Social Rest: Curating positive connections and setting boundaries.

  • 05:39 – Sensory Rest: Unplugging to reduce stimulation and rejuvenate.

  • 06:04 – Creative Rest: Cultivating imagination and problem-solving skills.

  • 06:31 – Spiritual Rest: Finding purpose and resilience.

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