Second First

#3: The Three Problems with COO Peer Groups

How To Bring Positive Change to COO Peer Groups & Organizations. There are very few peer groups and organizations specializing in the Second-In-Command. Through personal experiences, there are three common problems that been them from being as valuable and successful as they should be. In this episode we explore how to unlock the potential of […]

#2: Entrepreneurs Shouldn’t Delegate To Their Second-In-Command

Unpopular Opinion: CEOs Shouldn’t Delegate Work to Their Seconds-In-Command. Explore the myths of delegation in visionary entrepreneurship and uncover the true role of a second in command in reducing organizational noise and enhancing collaboration. In this episode we explore the concept of delegation, separating it into two definitions, and discuss what a great Second-In-Command should […]

#1: Which of the Seven Types of COO Are You?

Decoding the CEO-COO Dynamic: The Seven Archetypes Defining the #2 Leader in Founder-Led Companies. In this inaugural episode of “The Right-Hand Roadmap,” dive into the influential Harvard Business Review article, “Second in Command: The Misunderstood Role of the Chief Operating Officer.” Uncover the intricacies of the COO role and identify seven archetypes that shape the […]

Second-In-Command Masterclass: The Four Pillars To Become A Force Multiplier

A free 60-minute virtual workshop to supercharge your leadership skills and transform the partnership with your entrepreneur.

Second-In-Command Mastery

The 10-week Second-In-Command certification course
begins March 17th

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